Halina A / ICGID: HA-88O1 / #18084

Here you can discuss Halina A, ICGID: HA-88O1

Links to her model pages:


  • Despite Halina A claiming to be from Denmark & Vivien A/Irma D is supposed to be from Russia, in my opinion they are one & the same girl (anyone else think so?). See my comment about the photographers Domenic Mayer & Domenic Meyer being the same guy!

  • Hi Drambui - I agree the photographers are most likely the same but not Halina = Vivien apart from the facial/body differences there's no mole map match (:R

  • appear when other photos of the beautiful Halina a. ?

    why the photos were on urlgalleries.com Halina a. have been removed?

  • lovely young one

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