Was at SeventeenLive.com years ago (around 2008) as Ariana.
Then she quit that job and did a tiny bit of porn modeling for a photographer that sells stuff to Zemani in 2009. Those are the sets that Zemani has released in 2009 and forward, but they were all shot in 2009.
In 2009 she also went to Her-Sweet-Hand.com with another friend from her SeventeenLive days (Yana, another cam model) and they each did a separate handjob video. This girl was called Merion there, and her friend Yana was called Seneca.
After 2009 she quit porn business, at least for now.
There is a "new" gallery out at Zemani now in May 2013 but don't be fooled. You will notice that every gallery is photographed by Larin, and that every release of her from Zemani is ~1 year apart.
It's just a typical delayed-release system where sites hold on to a back-catalogue of all sets they've bought and then release them slowly so that they can constantly appear to have fresh content.
Was at SeventeenLive.com years ago (around 2008) as Ariana.
Then she quit that job and did a tiny bit of porn modeling for a photographer that sells stuff to Zemani in 2009. Those are the sets that Zemani has released in 2009 and forward, but they were all shot in 2009.
In 2009 she also went to Her-Sweet-Hand.com with another friend from her SeventeenLive days (Yana, another cam model) and they each did a separate handjob video. This girl was called Merion there, and her friend Yana was called Seneca.
After 2009 she quit porn business, at least for now.
There is a "new" gallery out at Zemani now in May 2013 but don't be fooled. You will notice that every gallery is photographed by Larin, and that every release of her from Zemani is ~1 year apart.
It's just a typical delayed-release system where sites hold on to a back-catalogue of all sets they've bought and then release them slowly so that they can constantly appear to have fresh content.
All sets are from 2009. She's still retired.