Lonely Witch Part 2

In this video I use magic to control ropes, tying my hands and feet to the bed, so I spread eagle. I then use further hairy magic to control a hitachi magic wand and make it come to my clit where it brings me to a very powerful orgasm.

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  1. Is control an illusion? Does control bring pleasure or does the lack of control bring more pleasure? Only Nikki knows for sure, but she’s too busy climaxing right now to ponder such mysteries. Hopefully the Lonely Witch will continue to experiment on herself in an endless quest for satisfying answers.

    Her magic may unlock the great mysteries of the Universe…Is pleasure in the pussy of the beholder? Does freedom of choice cum often, why does the Universe vibrate so darn much. We “salute” the Lonely Witch as she explores her hairy path to Nirvana. Nicely done Nikki!!

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