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Blonde zoomer girl Chrystal Sinn has decided that she wants a new tattoo. She has been saving up her money and finally has enough to get it done.

Unsure of what design she wants, Chrystal turns to her stepbrother for some advice. She is thinking about some water drops on her forehead and he tells her that he can do that for her. He says he can do it for her, but needs to do a sketch of the drops first. What can they use as an example? Water dries too fast. Juice is brightly colored. He jokes with her that he should cum on her face to give him something to sketch. He is joking, but sister is a slut who loves the idea of trying out his cock. She pulls it out and starts sucking, letting it grown and remarking on its size. It is one of the best blowjobs he has ever had and she picks up speed to get the load they need for the sketch. She wants more and turns around to show him her pale ass. He slides down her pants and pushes her panties aside to slip his cock into her hole. His cock fills Chrystal’s horny pussy as he picks up speed from behind. She asks if he is almost ready to shoot on her face, but he wants her on top for a bit longer. Riding his dick hard, she doesn’t notice him close to busting his nut. Before she can stop him he shoots his load into her pussy. She is upset because she’s not on birth control and they didn’t get a load to finish the sketch. He promises to get it on her face next time.

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