    [file_name] => kata_d-solo-1.trailer.mp4
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Karups PC Video: Flower Girl

Karup's Private Collection video added on May 09th, 2020

During the walk home after class, Kata picked some flowers and was now relaxing on her bed enjoying them, playing ‘he loves me, he loves me not’ as she plucked the petals from the flowers. Kata’s shirt is so short when she lays down her white panties show. She’s not a shy girl and loves showing her body off in public. Knowing that total strangers are peeking up her skirt or checking out her perky tits in her crop top really gets her juices flowing. Setting the flowers aside, she takes her shirt, skirt, then panties off as the blonde hottie runs her hands over her entire, tight body. Kata starts out slowly, gently teasing her shaved pussy with light touches and rubs. As she gets more and more turned on, she slides two fingers into her pussy and writhes around on the bed, rolling into different positions as she cums her brains out all over her fingers, leaving the cute coed to lay on her bed naked and tease her satisfied body with the soft, sensual flowers.

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