    [file_name] => karolina_rus-solo-1.trailer.mp4
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Karups PC Video: Hot Mom Bod

Karup's Older Women video added on Dec 05th, 2021

It’s early in the morning and Karolina heads into the bathroom to start her day. The sexy, mature redhead knows that most of the people in her neighborhood think she is a shy, conservative housewife. At times she can be shy, but when you get her behind closed doors she lets her freak flag fly. If she had it her way she would have sex multiple times every day. Dropping the robe to show off her sexy body, natural tits, and fully shaved pussy, she climbs into the tub and gets her vibrator out. Spreading her legs, she uses the toy to rub and tease her pussy, causing her hips to buck and grind. She stands and sticks her ass out so she can rub her pussy and asshole from behind before getting comfortable in the tub where she uses the toy to fuck her tight pussy until she closes her eyes and lets the powerful orgasm wash over her.

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