Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

- AKA: Brandi, Brandi Davis, Brandi Peterson, Patricia Ford, Pua, Puanani
- Born: March 1969
- Birthplace:
United States of America
- First Seen: 1989
- Last Seen: 2015
- Measurements: 34E-24-35 / ~91-61-89
- Body Type:
- Height: 168 cm, 5 ft 6 in
- Piercings:
- Hair Colour: Brown
- Ethnicity:
- Breasts: Large (Fake)
- Official Site:
- Interviews:
- Social Media:
- Tattoos:
- Agencies:
- Appears with: Amy Miller (x2), Dana Dicillo (x2), Alley Baggett (x2), Lani Todd (x2), Gina Patrone (x2), Angel Boris (x2), Jodie Shaw (x1), Kristin Vye Cardenas (x1), Bianca Beauchamp (x1), Lisa Matthews (x1), Joy Behrman (x1), Cynthia Arroyo (x1), Susan Weiss (x1), Jami Ferrell (x1), Rochelle Loewen (x1), Victoria Silvstedt (x1), Tishara Lee Cousino (x1), Karen McDougal (x1), Triana Iglesias (x1), Brooke Berry (x1), Michele Rogers (x1), Jennifer Walcott (x1), Buffy Tyler (x1), Katie Lohmann (x1), Rhonda Adams (x1), Laura Cover (x1), Lisa Marie Scott (x1), Erica Campbell (x1), Cherie Roberts (x1), Dina Rivera (x1), Jodie Nicholls (x1), Feather Frazier (x1), Katalina Verdin (x1), Havana Ulrich (x1), Kimberly Nicole Cameron (x1), Jill Nelson (x1), Erin Connor (x1), Kerbie O'Neill (x1), Holly Laar (x1), Tonja Christensen (x1), Samantha Joseph (x1), Roberta Vasquez (x1), Rachel Jeán Marteen (x1), Nadine Chanz (x1), Lizette Bordeaux (x1), Kelli Jo (x1), Heather Christensen (x1), Jodie Oram (x1), Jennifer Torant (x1), Hope Marie Carlton (x1), Gleicy Santos (x1), Genevieve Michelle (x1), Davin Lexen (x1), Christina Leardini (x1), Carol Ficatier (x1), Bridgett Wise (x1), Anna Taverner (x1), Anna Rose Chang (x1), Andrea Lowell (x1), Tina Bockrath (x1), Suzi Simpson (x1), Jill Scott (x1), Abigail Toyne (x1)
- Activities: Glamour, Oral, Vaginal
- Tags: United States of America , brown hair , large implants
- Favourite of: 13 members Praises from members:
- Page Credits: PaCo ,
- Appears in Categories: Brunettes, Big Boobs Models
Most Popular Patricia Ford Galleries
THENUDE biography:
Patricia Ford is a former Playboy lingerie model who became a popular electronic pinup in the early Internet age. A native Hawaiian, she specializes in surf-and-sun poses. She had bit parts in the movies Play It To the Bone (1999, with Antonio Banderas) and Biggles: Adventures in Time (1986, with Peter Cushing).Read more: Patricia Ford
Web Links
- COVERMODELS (Patricia Ford)
- MACANDBUMBLE (Patricia Ford)
- PLAYBOY PLUS (Patricia Ford)
- SUZE.NET (Patricia Ford)
Patricia Ford Covers
27 February 2015
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#1168 Patricia Ford"
42 images
6 February 2010
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#1168 Patricia Ford"
33 images
3 August 2008
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#1168SC Patricia Ford"
26 images
1 June 2007
Erica Campbell & Lani Todd & Triana Iglesias & Patricia Ford & Gina Patrone & Kristin Vye Cardenas & Davin Lexen & Jennifer Torant & Jodie Oram & Kelli Jo & Lizette Bordeaux & Kerbie O'Neill & Jodie Shaw
as Davin Lexen & Erica Campbell & Gina Patrone & Jennifer Torant & Jenny Lilley & Jodie Oram & Jodie Shaw & Kelli Jo & Kerbie O'Neill & Kristin Vye Cardenas & Lani Todd & Lizette Bordeaux & Natasha Marle
in "Daily Double - June 2007"
View the set
5 February 2005
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "Voluptuous Vixens - P is for Patricia"
1 February 2004
Jodie Nicholls & Amy Miller & Michele Rogers & Patricia Ford & Karen McDougal & Tishara Lee Cousino & Victoria Silvstedt & Angel Boris & Rochelle Loewen & Jami Ferrell & Susan Weiss & Cynthia Arroyo & Gina Patrone & Bianca Beauchamp & Alley Baggett & Dana Dicillo & Suzi Simpson & Anna Taverner & Bridgett Wise & Christina Leardini & Jill Scott & Nadine Chanz & Samantha Joseph & Holly Laar & Erin Connor & Kimberly Nicole Cameron & Havana Ulrich
as Alley Baggett & Amy Miller & Angel Boris & Anna Taverner & Bianca Beauchamp & Bridgett Wise & Cherie Wimberly & Cheryl Stell & Christina Leardini & Cynthia Arroyo & Dana Dicillo & Erin Connor & Gina Patrone & Havana Ulrich & Holly Laar & Jami Ferrell & Jennifer Cantrell & Jill Scott & Jodie Nicholl & Karen McDougal & Kimberly Nicole Cameron & Michele Rogers & Nadine Chanz & Patricia Ford & Rochelle Loewen & Samantha Joseph & Sara Valentine & Susan Weiss & Suzi Simpson & Tishara Lee Cousino & Victoria Silvstedt
in "Daily Double - February 2004"
View the set
1 October 2003
Lisa Marie Scott & Rhonda Adams & Jennifer Walcott & Patricia Ford & Angel Boris & Joy Behrman & Alley Baggett & Dana Dicillo & Dina Rivera & Katalina Verdin & Andrea Lowell & Gleicy Santos & Jill Nelson
as Alley Baggett & Andrea Lowell & Angel Boris & Dana Dicillo & Dina Rivera & Elizabeth Foust & Gleicy Santos & Heather Faith & Jennifer Walcott & Jill Nelson & Jodie Nicholl & Joy Behrman & Katalina Ver
in "Daily Double - October 2003"
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18 August 2003
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#B1168 Patricia Ford"
38 images
29 April 2003
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#A1168 Patricia Ford"
26 images
7 January 2003
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#1168 Patricia Ford"
33 images
1 January 2003
Patricia Ford & Lisa Matthews & Tina Bockrath & Anna Rose Chang & Carol Ficatier & Hope Marie Carlton & Rachel Jeán Marteen & Roberta Vasquez & Tonja Christensen
as Anna Rose Chang & Carol Ficatier & Hope Marie Carlton & Lisa Matthews & Patricia Ford & Rachel Jeán Marteen & Roberta Vasquez & Tina Bockrath & Tonja Christensen
View the set
26 December 2002
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#C1168 Patricia Ford"
32 images
16 December 2002
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "hawaii"
70 images
16 December 2002
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "location"
40 images
1 June 2002
Abigail Toyne & Amy Miller & Cherie Roberts & Laura Cover & Katie Lohmann & Lani Todd & Buffy Tyler & Brooke Berry & Patricia Ford & Feather Frazier & Heather Christensen & Genevieve Michelle
as Abigail Toyne & Alexis Curtis Wilson & Amy Miller & April Hanna & Brooke Berry & Buffy Tyler & Cherie Roberts & Feather Frazier & Genevieve Michelle & Gleicy Santos & Heather Christensen & Heather Ell
in "Daily Double - June 2002"
View the set
10 February 1999
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#1279 Patricia Ford"
28 images
27 December 1998
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#1274 Patricia Ford"
46 images
11 November 1998
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#1275 Patricia Ford"
40 images
22 October 1998
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#1273 Patricia Ford"
53 images
Patricia Ford Videos
20 September 2005
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#1276 Patricia Ford Trash Talk"
5 August 2005
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#1275 Patricia Ford Centerfold Shoot"
11 March 2005
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#1273 Patricia Ford Centerfold Shoot"
4 March 2005
Patricia Ford
as Patricia Ford
in "#1274 Patricia Ford Centerfold Shoot"
Patricia Ford Galleries
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