Since Pacho admitted error, no need to mention. But I found differences and write here. Pamina S has remarkable 2 moles on back, new FJ cover "This moment" shows them clearly. But I can't find these moles with Anuta B.
Then Anuta B has remarkable 2 moles on right side, and shows them at "Presenting Anuta". But can't find these moles with Pamina S, especially "This moment" cover.
She is Anuta B
Error, are different girls.
Pacho - I'm not sure about that - I need a second opinion as I have no access to FJ (:R
Since Pacho admitted error, no need to mention. But I found differences and write here. Pamina S has remarkable 2 moles on back, new FJ cover "This moment" shows them clearly. But I can't find these moles with Anuta B.
Then Anuta B has remarkable 2 moles on right side, and shows them at "Presenting Anuta". But can't find these moles with Pamina S, especially "This moment" cover.
Yes, WabiSabi.
I noticed my mistake when I compare in detail.
Pamina S has a more muscular body, and smaller breasts than Anuta B
In addition, Auta B has a very long neck.
She's Not Anuta B, She looks a little like Marketa but she's not her either.
Probably 1993, 165cm