Izolda A / ICGID: IA-2930 / #8684



  • Missing from her covers - https://www.thenude.eu/cover/artoflegs/585969/olga-in-

    (looks like the URL is missing the end, but it's just the way it is)

  • Found this cover from August 11, 2017 - http://www.artoflegs.com/displayimage.php?album=1&pid=622#top_display_media

    Looks like the same set I have watermarked 'ArtofCharm.ru", copyrighted 2008. This ArtofLegs version says 56 pictures, the Art of Charm has 222, but no covers, and low resolution.

  • yes, I've slipped with the 'art of' covers - I just don't have time to collect them :( (:R

  • Izolda dorogaja ili kak tebe nibud zovut, esli ti hochesh zzit po chestnomu v brake, ja otreksja bi i monashestva dlja tebja... Ti takaja krasovica chto i vechnost mozzno poterjat dlja tebja... Napishi otvet dorogaja. Ja budu zzdat. Ja uzze vljubilsja v tebja, v tvoe prekrasnoe telo i glaza, i ja uveren chto u tebja i dusha takaja krasivaja kak ti vneshne. Prosti dlja plohogo russkogo. Ja greshnij Serb...

  • @anonymous_yeti said:
    That was one of the pieces of evidence I used in the "hypothesis" below.

    I still believe the sets were all done in a few months of time, max. Some other reasons exist, but I'd rather not get into those because I respect what I perceive to be a model's personal privacy. Besides, I could be totally wrong. :)

    Anyway, it's kind of to Met-Art's benefit that the time stamps in later released sets were removed, to preserve the "illusion" that the content is as fresh as possible. I think they started removing those years ago, because I haven't seen any from any set for any model.

    Serious business! :)

    I'll jump in here to say this story you tell sounds much like mine with my MET gal Kristel A. What's funny tho is yer writing about MET turning to hardcore material in 2013. So where they're at now, in 2022, is not news! Even tho it still seems that way. HC porn is the standard. It's seen in the "body styles", shall we say, of the models. I recently sent a couple of Rylsky images of my fave to MET, just to remind them as if they need it that they don't publish models displaying their body hair any more. It is absolutely forbidden, or seems to be. Why is another question. Why is hardcore OK, but a natural body not? Because HC is clean as a whistle! 🧼😼🧽
    The situation disgusts me, but I am grateful for all the Kristel pics I have 👌🔮

  • Should add MET still publishes Rylsky images, but they haven't produced a set showing hair like Kristel's in years. Today's mainstream erotica hates natural. Another good question: why? I think it started with AIDS, and's gone downhill ever since. Antiseptic is the "new" sexy. This is not really true, but might as well be to mainstream porn customers.

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